Easter Blue Groper Now Protected - New Fishing Rule Changes
The Blue Groper is much loved species, as they are curious and friendly which also makes them vulnerable. They are widely spread across the eastern seaboard and can been seen from Bronte through to Coogee at various spots.
Following several high-profile incidents of spear fishing of Blue Gropers in NSW, changes have been made on a 12-month trial basis, banning all fishing of Blue Gropers. The aim of the 12-month ban is to clarify its protected status while taking submissions from the community.
The Blue Gropers is the NSW State fish and has been protected from spearfishing since 1969 and commercial fishing since 1980 and now it is completely banned even for recreational fishing.
From 1 March 2024, taking Eastern Blue Groper by any method, including line fishing, is prohibited as part of a 12-month trial, to ensure greater protection of this iconic species.
During the 12-month trial, Fisheries are consulting with stakeholders and the broader community on longer term changes to Eastern Blue Groper fishing rules.
What will be the penalties for taking Blue Groper in NSW during the 12-month trial?
Anyone caught contravening the closure and taking Eastern Blue Groper in NSW by any method will face a $500 penalty infringement notice and/or a maximum court-imposed fines of $22,000 or imprisonment for 6 months (or both) for a first offence and $44,000 or imprisonment for 12 months (or both) for a second or subsequent offence.
Any Eastern Blue Groper incidentally caught while line fishing must be released.
Given the cultural significance of the species to Aboriginal people the new changes will not apply to Aboriginal cultural fishing.
Why is the Eastern Blue Groper a ‘no take’ species?
The Eastern Blue Groper has several biological characteristics that make them prone to overfishing. They are a long-lived, slow growing species that tend to live in small social groups or 'harems' comprised of one blue male, some mature females (brown or red in colour) and several juveniles (brown or green in colour) that do not travel large distances and often live in one site. Consequently, these characteristics means that they are susceptible to targeted fishing and recovery of populations is likely to take multiple decades.
Eastern Blue Groper are also of high importance to the community and were made the state fish emblem of NSW in 1998. They are an iconic species that support social and economic values in the NSW community associated with snorkelling and scuba diving. Community concern following recent spearfishing incidents has again highlighted the value that the NSW community place on the species.
It is important to note that the colouration of Eastern Blue Groper (Achoerodus viridis) varies based on life stage with juveniles being brown to green brown, adult females being brown to reddish-brown, whilst only adult males are blue. This is why the species can be known as blue, brown or red groper.
The Eastern Blue Groper is also protected in Victoria and by making it a ‘no take’ species, it will bring us into line with Victoria and ensure protection for the species across most of its natural range.