Public Transport
- Make public transport accessible and ensure that our transport system works for everyone
- Bring back key services and bus stops that have been removed
- Reduce congestion on our roads
- Transition our public transport to net zero emissions
Have your say on the future of public transport in Sydney's East here

- We delivered on our commitment to build a new co-educational public high school with the opening of Randwick High School
- Continue addressing coeducational high school capacity issues
- Ensure fair funding for public schools in line with Gonski Recommendations
- Guarantee at least 70% of vocational education and training funding for TAFE
Join the campaign for Fair Funding for Public Schools here

- Ensure equality in access to health services
- Reduce hospital wait times
- Ensure safe staffing and ratios for all health care workers
- Improve access to bulk billing GP's in the Eastern Suburbs

Climate Change
- Deliver on our commitment to a minimum of 50% renewable energy by 2030 and net zero by 2050
- Continue creating more than 13,000 jobs in the renewable energy, construction and electrical sectors
- Work with the net zero commission to monitor and review the net zero plan and trajectory, including impacts on jobs and industry, as well as energy prices

- Protect our beaches and address the Coogee stormwater problem
- Preserve public spaces for our community
- Increase tree canopy’s and local green links
- Expand national parks and create a Great Koala National Park
- Ensure the Murray Valley National Park is protected

- Hold governments accountable with a strong and independent ICAC
- Legislate guaranteed independent funding for NSW ICAC
- Stop unsustainable overdevelopment
- End back door spot rezoning